Sunday, February 15, 2009

Can I have half an Oreo?

Hi ya'll!

Sorry for not updating you yesterday I was exhausted when we left the hospital. But anyways...

Weston is doing much better. If it wasn't for his enzyme levels and being on a no fat diet he would be normal... well normal for Weston haha. He is bored out of his mind and can't wait to eat: O'Cools chicken tenders, pizza, gummy bears, oreos (hence the title), and pop tarts. Haha! His amylase is back to normal levels and his lipase went down a little bit, but it's still in the 900s. The doctors here don't seem to be too concerned about it though. We're hoping to go home tomorrow!

No change for my Grandma Sue though, so please keep her in your prayers.

I also have a "Weston-ism" to share with you! The other day when the nurse was checking him in at UNC she was asking him a long list of questions and this is what happened:

Nurse: Do you have any problems with vision, hearing, or speech?
Weston: Well I don't really like to talk in front of a lot of people, like on a stage or something, I get kinda nervous.
Me and Mom: HAHAHAHAHA, no he doesn't have any problems.

This is what Weston's up to now:
Haha! Hope ya'll have a good Sunday!

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