Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Starting BVWs

Hey hey! I recently thought of a great idea for my blog - Bible Verse Wednesdays (BVWs)! Because I am awful at recalling exact verses and references, I have decided to start memorizing verses. I believe that arming yourself with God's word is crucial because:
1. It protects you from Satan (see Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11)

2. It helps keep you from sin and temptation (Psalm 119:11)

3. It helps you when witnessing & communicating with unbelievers

4. It provides comfort for you and others

So, if you'd like to join me in this, I plan to post the verse of the week at the top of my side bar. AND, if you want, you can do the same on your blog so others can join in! The more Christians that arm themselves with God's word, the better we can serve Him!

I chose this week's verse from Billy Graham's Hope for Each Day. I use it as a devotional to get started on my quiet time with God and I LOVE IT! I strongly recommend it! It's the best mini-devotional I've come across.

I'd like to share the passage that this verse came from:

"Today we have learned to harness the power of the atom, but very few of us have learned how to develop fully the power of prayer. We have not yet learned that a man can be more powerful on his knees than behind the most powerful weapons ever developed. We have not learned that a nation is more powerful when it unites in earnest prayer to God than when its resources are channeled into weapons. We have not discovered that the answer to our problems can be through contact with the living God. Weapons by themselves will not keep us safe or solve the world's problems. Our basic problems are spiritual in nature, and only spiritual solutions will solve them. That is why prayer is so vital, for only God can change the human heart. Who knows what might happen if millions of believers around the world availed themselves of the greatest privilege this side of Heaven - the privilege of intercessory prayer? Will you be one of them?" (p. 97)

(In case you haven't figured it out yet, I like to make lists and I like to define words... I guess that's the teacher in me....)

Intercessory prayer is prayer on someone else's behalf. The bible says we should pray for our leaders, our friends, the sick, our enemies, and those who forsake us... among lots of others.

I found this awesome list of things about intercessory prayer, but I have no idea when I wrote it or where I got it from... but here it goes:
1. Keep a list of who to pray for (...again, I'm a list person)
2. Tell people you're praying for them (this can encourage & inspire them)
3. Pray in a group (and this blog network totally counts as a group!)
4. Know that you're not praying alone, even if you are alone.
5. Recognize that your prayers might change
6. Recognize that He knows our heart even when we can't find the words to pray

So since my promise is to be as transparent as possible with this blog, so that others can see God's work in my life, I thought I'd reveal some of people I pray for:
1. My family, friends, and Parker
2. My Aunt Debbie
3. My grandparents
4. Jonah
5. Carrie & Beaty Bass' ministry
6. Georgina as she raises support for ministry in Sweden
7. Erin as she studies abroad in Africa
8. Recently added - Stellan (It's kinda funny praying for God's healing hands on "MckMuffin" and peace for "Mckmama" and "Prince Charming" and their family... if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm telling you... you should check out Mckmama's blog!
9. My friend Anna's mom
10. Jacob & Candice during their engagement (Parker's brother & future sister-in-law)
11. Katherine & Eric during their engagement (roomate & friend)
12. Martha Lynn's dad who is battling cancer (Parker's other brother's wife)

Well... that's a start! I hope you will join me in intercessory prayer and "scripture arming!" Please tell me how you pray or memorize scripture! I am not an expert, I just tell what's on my heart! :)

God Bless!!!

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