Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Betty Bookbag


Breaking News

Recently, a Childhood Toy Conference took place in Myrtle Beach, SC. Five representatives of concerned citizens all over America met to discuss a major crisis in the toy world - Polly Pocket. The representatives, Roman, Lauren, Erin, Amanda, & Laura, spent a long afternoon sweating over the awful changes to the popular girls’ toy, though they were able to cool off in a nearby pool with several floats and cool drinks.

The group believes that Polly has been treated unfairly under the pretense of a so-called choking hazard. The women in the group balked at this claim, saying that they had never attempted to consume the small toy, and neither would anyone else who properly appreciated the greatness of Polly.

The group was further concerned that Polly’s creators had participated in false advertising, as the new Polly Pocket does not fit in one’s pocket. One representative who asked to remain anonymous said, “Polly was intended to fit in your pocket, and now with her enheightened size and accessories, I’m afraid she can only fit in your bookbag.”

The group believes that Polly’s creators took advantage of the criticism Barbie’s creators are facing in regards to body image. By making Polly bigger, the creators tried to make her more realistic. “She’s still made of plastic, even if she now has real hair,” one woman said.

The representatives want the toy industry to leave Polly alone! If you want to continue making this new doll, call her Betty Bookbag – Polly’s friend who is much bigger with much less self-esteem.

laura ann

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