A step in the right direction....
The tumors are still there, but have shrunk some more since the Gamma Knife. One tumor is the size of a garden pea, one is the size of 2 garden peas (both in the back), and the other two (in the front) have black centers which means they are decaying/dying. Her brain is a little swollen, but the doctor expected it to be and isn't too concerned about it. He says that the tumors will continue to shrink and in 4 weeks she will have another scan. Then the team of doctors (radiologist, neurosurgeon, and oncologist) will meet again and decide a plan of action - if need be...
I'm believing that they'll be gone. She still can't drive until the next scan, which stinks because I think she's bored out of her mind.
So I think I would say that we were initially disappointed because we were hoping for them all to be gone. BUT, I know that God is taking care of it and His timing is
way better than mine. And I
completely trust Him.
And I know that He knows that we are receiving His healing and we'll receive it for
as long as it takes!So to God, I say, "
Amen!" I am humbled by Your greatness, Your glory, and Your honor. I am disappointed because my plan doesn't match yours, but I am
so thankful that it is in Your hands because I know that You heal, not me, not doctors, not procedures -
just You. So,
Your love, oh Lord, reaches to the heavens.
Your faithfulness stretches to the sky.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains.
Your justice flows like the ocean's tide.
I will lift my voice to worship you my King.
I will find my strength in the shadow of your wings.
Your love, oh Lord, reaches to the heavens.
Your faithfulness stretches to the sky.
Your rigteousness is like the mighty mountains.
Your justice flows like the ocean's tide.
I will lift my voice to worship you my King.
I will find my strength in the shadow of your wings.
--Third Day