Welcome to the annual Heels & Devils post. Remember
last year's? Here we go...
Heel: Student teaching is going great. I love every day of it! I laugh out loud at least once a day!
Devil: Student teaching is exhausting.
Heel: There are less than 5 months until the wedding!
Devil: It might snow again tonight...
Heel: If it does, we might get a 2 hour delay! Yay!
Devil: I have been a terrible blogger since the new semester started...
Heel: I can only get better from here.
Ha. (It's not that I don't have anything to talk about, because I could talk write your ears eyes off. There is just not enough time!!)
Devil: It has been a LONG week already!
Heel: My birthday was Monday!
Devil: I am starving.
Heel: I'm about to go eat! Yay!